Do we have to use one of your partner caterers or are we allowed to bring in our own outside caterer?
We have a list of partner caterers who handle all catering at Historic 1625 for you to choose from. That list includes Snuffin’s Catering, Gayle Orth Catering, ACT 3 Catering, Mama Stortini’s Catering, and The Vault Catering. We believe these caterers do a great job making each event special.
What is your alcohol policy?
At Historic 1625 you can purchase your alcohol wherever you choose. Our partner caterers will provide the bartender to serve your guests. Beer (including kegs), wine, and liquor are allowed to be served and we do not charge a corkage fee. Shots may not be served.
What is the earliest we can set up? What is the latest we can be here?
Since your event will be the only event that day, Historic 1625 offers great flexibility on the start and end time for your event. Your rental can start as early as 12:00pm and end as late as 1:00am. At times we can accommodate for earlier start times depending on our cleaning and setup schedule. Historic 1625 staff will get tables and chairs setup prior to your rental start time.
Is there on-site parking? Will guests have to pay to park?
Historic 1625 has more than ample parking for your special day! We have two parking lots available to your guests free of charge. One lot is on the corner of Chandler and South Tacoma Way just east of Historic 1625 and has around 50 spots. The other lot is behind (to the north of) the building. Both lots are lit and the Chandler Street lot is covered. At the end of the evening, guests can leave their car if needed we just ask it be removed early the next day.
Is there a venue representative on site during the event? What role will this person play?
There will be a staff member of Historic 1625 present during the duration of your event. Our staff will oversee all venue related aspects of your event including making sure our tables and chairs are in place, the venue stays looking its best at all times (stocking bathrooms, addressing spills, emptying garbage), and venue rules are followed by all attendees. The staff person is also the point of contact for all vendors, guests and family.
We are ready to book the venue. What are the next steps?
Once you have decided Historic 1625 is the place for your event, give us a call or send an email to begin the booking process. We will put together a Rental Agreement and send it your way for the available date you have chosen. To hold the date, we require the completed Rental Agreement and a non-refundable date hold deposit.
What method of payments do you prefer?
We accept cash, check, and all major credit cards. There is a 3% processing fee for use of credit.
Do you have a payment schedule?
The date hold deposit which secures your day is 50% of the rental fee and is due at booking. The remaining balance on the rental will be due 6 months prior to your event date. We have a $500 refundable security deposit that will be due 3 months prior to your event date. For events less than 6 months away we will adjust the payment schedule slightly and all payments will be due at least 3 months prior to the date of your event.
Is the rental fee cheaper if we book a weekday or an off-season date?
The rental price varies depending on the day of the week. Also, we do offer seasonal rates in January through April.
Do you require event insurance?
Yes, Historic 1625 requires Special Event Insurance coverage with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate, and host liquor liability with limits of not less than $1,000,000.
Are we allowed to meet with the venue staff during the planning?
We always love seeing our clients and hearing how plans for the event are going! We are happy to set up appointments for you to come by the venue to discuss layout, logistics, and other details. There is no limit on (and no charge) for venue visits while you plan your event.
Micro Weddings/Elopements Available 2024
Now offering our Micro Wedding/Elopement Package! Available all Sundays-Wednesdays for 50 guests or fewer! Contact us for more info.
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